
Emerick Park

The Village of Hillman Welcomes You to Emerick Park...

Emerick Park, located on the banks of the Thunder Bay River, is a good place to spend the day, a weekend, or longer. There are many things to do in the area to appeal to different types of people. Hillman's closeness to the population centers of Alpena, Rogers City and Gaylord provides an opportunity for shopping at stores and malls. Or for those who just want to tour the countryside, there is plenty of opportunity for deer and elk viewing. For the fisherman, Hillman is an excellent place to spend time.

The Thunder Bay River, nearby lakes, and streams provide many opportunities for anglers. In the spring, stream mouths and the shoreline of the Thunder Bay in Alpena offer excellent smelt dipping. Locally, brook trout are plentiful and at least 15 species of fish have been caught within the impoundment at the park. In season, mushrooms and wild berries are found nearby to add some variety to the menu. Hunters can find many types of game in season in the area. Dear, waterfowl, rabbits, squirrel, and other small game can be found. One of the favorite uses of the park, however, is a place to just relax and take it easy.

The Thunder Bay River

For more information and to reserve a site, please visit the Emerick Park Website:

Emerick Park Website








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